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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2045-1 Time Sharing System PLI Language Reference Manual

IBM GC28-2045-1 Time Sharing System PLI Language Reference Manual free download

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File No. S360-29 Order GC28-2045-1 TSS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Time Sharing System PL/I Language Reference Manual This publication is a companion volume t.o IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: PL/I Programmer's Guide, Order GC28-2049. Together the two books form a guide to the writing and execution of PL/I programs under the control of an IBM System/360 'rime Sharing System that includes the PL/I compiler. PREFACE This publication is planned for use as a RECOMMENtED PUBLICATIONS reference book by the PL/I user. It is not intended to be a tutorial publication, but is designed for the reader who already has The following publications contain other a knowledge of the language and who information that might be valuable to the requires a source of reference material. PL/I user or to a user who is learning PL/I: It is divided into two ~arts. Part I contains discussions of concepts of the language. Part II contains detailed rules IBM SYGtem/360 Time Sharing System: and syntactic desc.riptions. PL/I Programmer's Guide, Form GC28-2049 ~ Although implementation information is included, the book is not a complete description of any implementation A pL/r Primer, Form GC28-680B environment. In general, it contains information needed in writing a program; it A Guide to PL/I for Commercial does not contain all of the information Programmers, Forn. GC20-1651 required to execute a Frogram. For further information on executing a program refer to A Guide tc PL/I for FORTRAN Users, Form the publication: IBM System/360 Time GC20-1637 Sharing System: PL/I Progranlmer's Guide. Form GC28-201.19. The following publication contains a description of the IBM System/360 Time The features discussed in this Sharing System: publication correspond to thOSE implemented in tne fifth version of the PL/I (F) IBM System/360 Time Sharing system: Compiler in Release 18 of IBM System/360 Concerts and Facilities, Form Operating System. GC28-2003 iii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PART I: CONCEPTS OF PL/I 3 SECTION 1: BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PL/I 5 Machine Independence 5 Program Structure 5 Data Types and Data Description 5 Default Assumptions

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